
Last year my sister faced unexpected problems with controlling her mood. She got easily irritated, depressed and upset. Her mood was like a fragile flower. She even started having some suicidal thoughts and sudden attacks of violence and hysterics. I think it was connected with her inability to find a new job, but probably the doctors were right saying that the reason is complex and requires thorough investigation. Anyway, after she was prescribed Pristiq, her condition improved greatly. I can't say she is 100% the person she used to be. But she is definitely much better at controlling her emotions and the mood swings are rare now. I hope the med will continue working and will help her get back to her initial condition.
by Ulrich Trump, Knoxville

My wife is prone to depressive disorders and we have wasted a lot of time on different doctors and medications that turned out to be useless and full of shit. She is easy at getting depressed with anything - bad weather, untasty coffee, loud music - anything could turn her into a miserable wreck or what is still worse into an aggressive creature. Luckily we have visited a new doctor last month and he put her on Pristiq. This medication definitely helps. She can control her behavior and the reactions she develops in response to trivial things. I think Pristiq will help her get ultimate control over her emotions.
by Peter Rowley, NH

It is pretty annoying at times that I can not very well control my mood. I seem to get up with a perfect mood and then someone's sentence or intonation makes me think a bit longer than I should and then I start developing this thought in my mind and it occupies my whole mind and I can feel my mood if getting lower and lower. I understand that the reason was a mere trifle but I can not stop. I am getting pissed off or upset to tears. This is when I usually take a pill of Pristiq and it makes things get back to their normal position. For me this drug is the only solution as other meds simply won't work for me.
by Diane Perkins, Edmonton

I know for sure what depressive disorder is. It is the state that overcomes me every autumn when the whole world seems to be grey and dull and people around you don't care. They just pass by hurrying somewhere and you remain standing on one place all alone. It was quite a problem for me to cope with such like mood and depression. But then I changed the doctor and the new GP prescribed me with Pristiq. It was such a change! I felt my emotional strength and could control my mood without any difficulty. Then I decided to stop using the medication and now it's been three years since my last depression and two years since I stopped taking Pristiq. This medication was a miracle for me!
by Beatrix Millville, Kentucky