
Last month I have developed an intestinal infection after having eaten some improperly cooked food. That was rather hard time as the first night I nearly spent all the time in the bathroom. I couldn't sleep at all as my diarrhea wouldn't leave me in peace. And whatever I eaten would come out in no time. Then I started vomiting and my condition got worse and worse. I was completely dehydrated, felt incredibly exhausted and passive. All I could think about was sleeping. I couldn't even dream about eating something as all my body was already aching. Then a friend of mine advised me to take Ciplox-TZ and that was a life-saving advice. After three days in hell I finally spent about three hours sleeping well and then the condition continued to improve. In a matter of two days all my symptoms disappeared and I started eating normal food without consequences. I am so happy that Ciplox-TZ turned out to be so good at treatment of my infection. Usually I can not say all antibiotics are good for me. Some of them cause side effects, others don't work, I don't know why. But Ciplox-TZ is amazing - effective and safe! Besides it can be easily ordered from the online drug store. I could hardly imagine going to a local store to buy antibiotics; that was an impossible mission for me in that state. So, in other words I'm very pleased with the way Ciplox-TZ eliminated my infection and I will use it again if something like that happens.
by Melinda Trenton, Edmonton

About three weeks ago I experienced one of the most unforgettable periods in my life. It all started with dizziness in the morning and by the evening I developed fever. I thought it was a cold as I experienced some chills as well. But in the morning I woke up unusually early because of unbearable urge to visit the bathroom. That was the moment my never-ending diarrhea started. Again I decided that was a minor disorder, upset stomach and went to work. But I hardly reached the place, so bad my diarrhea was. I went back home and spent the whole day running to the bathroom and back, muffled up in a blanket. I decided to try cope with my immune system as I am against all sorts of medications. The second day was just the same with one difference - I was crawling as I was rather tired and weak. And then I called my doctor and finally asked him for help. Having listened to all my symptoms he concluded that it was a bacterial infection and persuaded me to take antibiotics as the most effective way not to destroy my health completely. He prescribed me with Ciplox-TZ and said that was the most effective and quickly-acting medication for that purpose. I must admit that his words were truth. Two days later I was healthy again. At least I felt healthy, though I still looked rather shabby, but I restored my strength and energy in no time. I am happy that I needn't have to take antibiotics for more than two days.
by Richard U., Hampton Beach

I can't understand why people only write reviews when they are not happy with this or that medication. It creates an impression that there are no meds that would work for their purpose and our pharmaceutical industry waste their time inventing hundreds useless drugs. My review Is positive and I hope it will help people find an effective med. I have first tried Ciplox-TZ when I was in South America on a tour with our marketing team. I asked my friend who is a practitioner for an antibiotic that would treat most probable infections from foreign food and water and he advised me to buy Ciplox-TZ. It wasn't me who caught an infection at that time, but a colleague. She had horrible diarrhea and was so amazed when the medication took away all the symptoms in less than 24 hours. Then I developed an infection myself. Still can't understand how it happened, I ate normal food that I eat every day, drank clear water, but the stomach went on a strike. And again Ciplox-TZ was the best remedy. Several pills turned me into a normal person again. Excellent solution for infections.
by Angelina Meyers, Beaver Creek

I have considerably spoiled my immune system and body regime when travelling across South America. I believe that irregular meal schedule and unusual food are to be blamed for that. So as a result my digestive functions became extremely unstable and my body would react to any change with indigestion symptoms. For the last few months I have had recurrent infections with vomiting and diarrhea, sometimes as often as once a week. And that wasn't necessarily caused by really unhealthy food, like fast or fatty food, dirty food or water. It was just the way my body reacted to any new bacteria that got into it. After two months of suffering I looked rather shabby and pale. During this time I have already tried out many traditional treatment methods but nothing actually helped so I decided finally to consult our family doctor. Though bothering a doctor with diarrhea seemed ridiculous to me. However after my visit I learnt that I had a recurrent bacterial infection and usual antibiotics were already useless as the bacteria got used to the pills I have been taking irregularly for the two months. The doc put me on Ciplox-TZ two times a day. And in a week the medication made it possible for me to start enjoying my life again. With the help of this wonderful antibiotic I managed to get rid of the steady infection and now my body reacts much better to many foods that were unacceptable for me before.
by Bea Estrada, SD

Last month we went to a friend of mine and I played a lot with her cat. However they do not live indoors only and walk a lot in the local surroundings. So, no wonder that after she scratched my arm a bit when playing, I developed a bacterial infection. However, to tell you the truth that was completely unexpected for me. I am not that kind of person to be afraid of different minor injuries and infection. I always wash my hands and so on. But after the weekend I developed strange rash, fever and dizziness. I should have contacted my doctor right after the incident, but I didn't initially connect the symptoms with the scratches. Only when the arm got swollen and my general condition worsened I call my doctor, he examined me and diagnosed with bacterial infection. He put me immediately on ciplox-tz and told me to take it for a week at least. The medication did its job perfectly well, it is a very effective and high quality antibiotic. It eliminated my symptoms in no time and prevented me from recurrent infections and complications. At the same time ciplox-tz brought with it absolutely no side effects, what is a rare case for a medication that I take. In other words, I recommend this drug.
by Marion Melville, Ottawa

Ciplox-tz turned out to be a life saver for me. With the help of this medication I spent the two weeks at home but not in the hospital, as my doctor warned me. The thing is that after a visit to my dentist I somehow got an infection in my mouth cavity that later, because of my negligence developed into a throat infection. As a result I couldn't eat, drank only fluids and even could hardly breathe. I was really scared to death. The doctor told me that if it weren't for Ciplox-tz and its quick effect I could even lost my voice is the infection continued to spread. But Ciplox-tz worked out a miracle and after two weeks on this medication there was not a single evidence of the horrible infection I had.
by Deny Trenton, Boston