
My doc put me on Gentamicin when two months ago I had a nasty case of infective endocarditis. I have to tell you that about 3 years ago I had undergone a heart surgery and have an artificial heart valve. In general it was a shock for me as I always thought that I was absolutely healthy. So, after the operation I got into the risk group and unfortunately developed this infective endocarditis. According to my cardiologist we were lucky to diagnose it at an early stage as if left untreated the disease could cause serious complications or even my death. I am 31 and I am not ready to die yet. My wife was in panic, she is so sensitive to all this stuff since my operation. Actually I spent three days in hospital and only then the doctor allowed me to go home and take Gentamicin on a regular basis. I also had to visit him every day for screenings. After a week on the medication he said the infection was killed but he left me on Gentamicin to make sure. Actually I could feel easier and better on the third day of treatment, but when it comes to the heart you?d better follow your doctor?s instructions. So what I want to say is that Gentamicin saved my life. And even though I?m still in risk group, I know there are trusted meds that will help me.
by Willy Davidson, ND

About three years ago I had a horrible urinary tract infection. That is one of the most unpleasant conditions a woman may have I assure you. This burning, itching and discomfort. You think it will be better after you go to the bathroom, but the sensations increase only and no relief comes. Besides you can not urinate normally, just small portions and because of this you go to the bathroom every 15 minutes and all that in circle. I was so nervous during that unforgettable 2 days, aggressive and fragile. A friend of mine told me about Gentamicin but i though that torture would never end. However after three doses I noticed the difference. And the next day complete relief came. I was happy, so comfortable, so peaceful. You never cherish simple joys of life until you lose them. I was happy to simply feel no burning, no urge to go to the bathroom, no desire to tell the whole world to go to hell. No I always have several pills of Gentamicin in my home medicine chest 'cause I don't want to overcome that sufferings again. Gentamicin is a wonderful medication for such cases.
by Brianna L., Richmond

I work in agricultural industry and deal with pesticides and chemicals every day. Besides I work in the field regardless of the weather. In such conditions respiratory tract infections are quite common among my colleagues. Some of them even have chronic diseases of the respiratory organs. Sometimes these diseases make people really miserable, short of breath, coughing with blood, asthma attacks and so on. As my doctor says it happens when the respiratory infections are left untreated, they develop into more serious conditions and it is too late to treat. I don't want such an end but I love my job and I am not going to quit. My doctor and I developed a health plan according to which I undergo regular screenings and take special vitamins and supplements. But when I happen to have an infection I take Gentamicin and the diseases steps aside. This is a trusted medication and it helps me stay healthy. Every time Gentamicin works 100% effectively and it has never caused me a single side effect.
by Harry Mills, NH