Metrogyl DG

Metrogyl DG is a wonderful solution that helped me get rid of horrible dental infection in a matter of two days. I don't even know how I got the infection, I regularly brush my teeth, and lead a healthy way of life, but sometimes our body is full of surprises. One day I woke up with slight itching in my mouth. By the evening my gum got swollen and it was painful to touch it, even the cheek was painful. And next morning there was a horrible ulcer on the gum. I couldn't chew so painful it was. So I hadn't eaten anything for two days before a friend advised me to try Metrogyl and this wonderful gel helped me to conquer the problem. I later discussed the problem with my dentist and he told that I probably somehow damaged the gum with hard food and then some bacteria penetrated into the tissue and caused an inflammation. I still have a lot of Metrogyl DG left for future cases but I hope I won't have any more such problems.
by Clay Rodgers, Chicago

I faced the need in Metrogyl dental gel after a visit to a dentist. I believe that some infection got into my mouth during teeth treatment and developed into a full-scale gingivitis. That is horrible I must admit. You can not eat, it is difficult to talk and the smell... Ugh! What is funny I went to a doctor and he got so worried, said that this is a serious case and we'd better dissect the gum to see if there is some pus inside. He even offered me a sick leave for several days and according to his words after the dissection I might have fever and won't be able to talk and any disturbance might cause complications. So I got so scared... Sick leave, I would immediately lose my job in that case! That was unacceptable for me. So I went to another doctor and he persuaded me that everything was not that tragic and before any dissection I should have tried non-invasive methods. He told me about Metrogyl gel and gave me a prescription. I bought the dental gel that same day from this wonderful online drug store and it was delivered in several days to my place. After 4-5 applications the condition improved dramatically. And now everything is just perfect. My gums are not swollen and there is no more pain. It is still a bit red but it will get normal soon, I feel it, all due to wonderful medication Metrogyl DG and the amazing doctor who saved me from a dissection. Thank you!
by Felicita M., California

My old father is a heavy smoker and nothing can be done with that. This is almost the las joy in life he has, except for his grandkids. But as his body is old enough and weak, there are many complications from this bad habit. One of them is repeated periodontal infections. His gums easily get inflamed and he can't eat, but of course continues to smoke what slows down the recovery process. Lately I have bought this new dental gel Metrogyl and he says it helps a lot. Takes away the pain and the gums look much better in a matter of hours. Of course he will not give up smoking till the end of his life. But I want to deprive him from unnecessary sufferings, he had lots in life. It is also great that I can order the medication online, pay for it and enter his address for delivery. So he has no chance to refuse or pay himself. I'm happy I can somehow make his life more pleasant and easier. With the help of Metrogyl.
by Melissa Huggins, NH