
It has been five months since I started my pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. I don't know why it happened to me, I have never led a poor way of life, never starved and observed hygiene carefully. Now I am on a combination of medications but the most effective one is Myambutol which is absolutely wonderful to me - no side effects, easy administration and affordable price. Tuberculosis is a horrible disease and it forgives no mistakes. So you should carefully observe the treatment regimen and follow your doctor's instructions. Myambutol is the only medication that caused me no side effects. Other drugs would make me suffer from mood swings, fatigue, and sweatiness. I was so nervous sometimes that couldn't sleep at night. There was one medication that caused me so serious gastrointestinal problems that I nearly forgot about my tuberculosis. Due to the disease my immune system is very weak and unstable. I feel no energy in my limbs and can't go on without regular breaks for a short nap. But with Myambutol I feel more energetic and I think it is because the medication provides my body with the necessary resources to struggle the disease. Myambutol fills me with hope!
by Izzy Stevens, Toronto

I used to work as a bus driver and I loved my job but somehow it happened so that now I have to sit at home. There are many reasons - lack of energy, inability to concentrate, uncontrollable cough attacks - all of them are united under one term - tuberculosis. I think I caught it from one of the local homeless people that sometime get onto the bus. Now I am on my six month of treatment and I finally see some improvement. I think it's all due to the fact that I recently switched to a new medication - Myambutol. It turned out to be exactly what I was looking for - effective, affordable medication without side effects. In order to support my body functions and get some energy I also take multivitamins regularly. Now my doctor is also happy with the results as the meds I used to take before were almost useless and my condition worsened day after day. Tuberculosis kills people, so it is important to find an effective solution as soon as possible. In spite of the fact that now I am a shabby wreck I believe that with the help of Myambutol I will soon recover and get back to my work.
by Ray Davidson, Omaha

My aunt was suffering from tuberculosis for a year. It was really horrible, she used to cough so hard I thought she'd spit out her lungs. Day after day she was getting weaker and weaker until her doctor put her on Myambutol. Since that time her condition started slowly getting better. All the treatment period she was taking vitamin B6 together with different meds. But her condition changed only after Myambutol prescription. She took it on a regular basis in combination with some other drug and so with lots of pain and sufferings she recovered from the horrible disease. We are so happy that she met so professional doctors and so good quality medications on her way! There was a period when we all doubted if she would survive the disease. And now I am shocked that we were thinking about losing her. It was a very difficult year but now it's over. My aunt feels herself much better, she is now trying to get back her energy and immune system and we believe she'll do that soon. Take care of your loved ones!
by Meryl S., Springfield