
It is my third day on Tindamax trichomoniasis treatment today and I have to admit that I can clearly tell the difference. The taste of the medication is not pleasant at all, it?s true. But taking the regular dosage with some food can solve the problem. I have no other side effects that I would consider worth of mentioning here. So for me the medication is quite easy to use and convenient. My biggest problem is trying to follow the regimen and not to forget to take the dosage twice a day. Everything else is all right. The drug definitely works - all the symptoms of my trichomoniasis have disappeared almost at once and I feel much better.
by Dylan McGregor, Tennessee

I took Tindamax for my bacterial vaginosis last month. The only unexpected consequence for me was numbness of my tongue within 2 hours after the first dosage. I remember severe dizziness and headache I had when I was on another bacterial vaginosis treatment about half a year ago. It was very unpleasant. With Tindamax I had no such problems. I my doctor carried out some tests and proved my opinion - the medication helped me with the vaginosis and the problem disappeared. I do recommend Tindamax to others.
by Victoria Oakland, Toronto

I am more than simply satisfied with the effectiveness Tindamax in trichomoniasis treatment. The only complications I encountered when taking this drug were bad headache and diarrhea which nevertheless were not unbearable so I could stand them in return for getting me rid of the trichomoniasis. I started noticing the difference in a couple of days after I was put on the medication - the symptoms started to disappear and my general well-being improved as well. I am happy this medication finally helped me with the disease that spoiled my nervous system by being so persistent!
by Henrietta Clarks, Phoenix

I took Tindamax twice a day for more than one week now. It seems to be very effective in treatment of my regular bacterial vaginosis. Before Tindamax I have tried a number of medications trying to get rid of the disorder, but either they were useless, or I was unlucky? In other words even when there occurred some improvements, the BV was back every time sooner than the treatment was over. With Tindamax everything seems to be much better. I can see no signs of returning symptoms! I'm happy, but still need tests to be sure. In general I'm happy with the way it works.
by Barbara Dungle, Norfolk