
I have been suffering from chronic inflammation of my lungs for about five years and due to my condition I usually get bronchitis pretty easily. Recently I have had another episode and I thought I would die from bronchitis. Luckily my doc prescribed Zyvox and it took the drug 10 days to eliminate the bronchitis. I am finally feeling human again. I don't see any significant side effects after using Zyvox. In general this drug helps me like nothing else in the drugstores.
by Brenda Dickson, RI

My doctor gave me Zyvox for my pneumonia after a couple of other medications that didn't help me a bit, only wasted my time. I am now on my 5th day and I can say that I'm feeling better everyday. I have 5 more days of treatment and I hope the drug will eliminate the pneumonia completely. When my doctor prescribed me with Zyvox the first thing I did was to go online to see the reviews for this medicine. They persuaded me and I ordered Zyvox. Now I am happy to say that the only side effect I have experienced is slight insomnia. So now I add another positive review to this drug.
by Mel Trump, FL

I have first-hand knowledge of Zyvox effectiveness as I have taken this medicine in the past to treat severe pneumonia and bronchitis. It worked just excellent without causing any side effects! My breathing, throat and cough were much better after just about the second day of Zyvox treatment. That was about six months ago and recently I developed the same set of symptoms. I asked my physician to prescribe me with Zyvox at once as I was sure about it. And it worked perfect again! Now only Zyvox for pneumonia and bronchitis.
by Samantha Amos, Toronto

Last year I started with a common cold, spent about two month trying to cure myself and finally ended up at GP's office with double pneumonia. After a week at the hospital the doctor prescribed Zyvox as the most advanced medication for severe pneumonia. I needed to get back to my job and so I was eager to get well asap. So I bought the drug from the internet and carefully followed the regimen. I started noticing the improvement in 3 days! This antibiotic cleared up my pneumonia and fixed me up in less than a week. There weren't any annoying side effects. I am absolutely happy with Zyvox.
by Harry Fox, DC