
I am 61 years old and it's more than six years now since I have been suffering from left ventricular dysfunction. I have been using Cartopril for nearly 12 years. It makes me so much more relaxed and calms down my heart. I strongly believe that this medication is one of the reasons I am still alive. Cartopril supports my heart and makes me not so dependent on drugs. In other words Cartopril helps me feel the taste of real life again, as if I'm a healthy person.
by Harry Clarks, Toronto

I had a heart attack in June 2006. Since that time I have been put on many different meds to support the functioning of my heart but only some of them produced any positive effect. This year my doctor finally has found something effective for me - he prescribed me with Cartopril. This medicine is something that really helps me.
by Henrietta Swan, Providence

My dad uses Cartopril for more than 3 years now and this medication is irreproachable in his situation. My dad was staying in the hospital with heart failure for half a year. Doctors were afraid for his life and their prognosis were pessimistic, so weak and unstable his heart was. But soon he was put on Cartopril and things started getting better. Dad noticed the difference himself as well - he got less anxious, his heart stopped trembling, as he was saying and he was not so easily worried. Soon he was sent back home and now he can function almost as a healthy person, all due to Cartopril. This medication brought me back my dad!
by Byron Velasquez, Texas

Cartopril worked great for and my hypertension. I take it on a daily basis for more than three months now and it brings my blood pressure to normal so quickly and easily that I would never change it for anything else. Besides, unlike with other medications, I don't have any side effects like nausea, dizziness or blurred vision. It is so unusual not to feel the symptoms of high blood pressure that I have been feeling for years. Now I can spend about two or three weeks without thinking about my hypertension, as I know it's under control. My physician is also very pleased with the results Cartopril produces on my blood pressure. I thank God, I was prescribed with this drug.
by Melinda Sullivan, Bristol