
Personally I think that Zestoretic is ideal for high blood pressure management. Initially I had to get used to the dizzy feeling after standing up too quickly but this side effect is not significant. I just rise slower now. For me the positive effect the drug produces on my blood pressure is of much greater importance. Getting pressure to normal is quick and controlling the level is easy. In general, excellent medication.
by Enrico Capra, MA

I use Zestoretic for high blood pressure for a few weeks now and it has done a great job at reducing my blood pressure to the level I want. Not it's easy for me to maintain it on the same level, not too high, not too low. Personally I haven't noticed any side effects. Only great pressure lowering effect and convenient dosage.
by Jason Bell, Canada

Zestoretic does great job for me every day helping me live with my hypertension. I do very good on this medicine. I am 78 years old and it is extremely important for me that the medicine brings no undesirable effects to me like the previous one that caused dizziness, dry cough and frequent headaches. As an elderly person I cherish all the comfort I can have. This drug suits me perfectly.
by Kristen Dohring, Chicago

I currently take Zestoretic for high blood pressure. I have tried many medications before I found Zestoretic and now I use it regularly for 7 months. It has been an effective treatment for my hypertension. No major side effects so far, except for a bit inconvenient characteristic - it does make me urinate more often than usually. Generally, the drug is absolutely ok if you take it as prescribed and get used to the regimen.
by Francis Daggs, AR

I have been suffering from hypertension for all my life. My doctor had me on blood pressure medicine for 24 years now. And because from time to time drugs would stop being effective and my blood pressure would go up, he prescribes me with different meds. I'm a bit too tired of switching from one drug to another and getting used to its specific characteristics, side effects and dosage. Last year he prescribed me with Zestoretic and luckily I still have no reason to change the drug! My pressure has been normal for the past 14 months! So, I just love it! Thanks to the company and the people who produce this great medication!
by Rian Muhney, Washington

Zestoretic is still the only effective high blood pressure drug with no side effects that I have ever tried. Those I used to take before were either ineffective or strong but with nasty side effects, even erectile dysfunction sometimes. Now with this med everything works fine. It's cheap and convenient to order the drug online and have it delivered to your place.
by Teddy Fennel, IL

I am 26 and I have had severe hypertension for more than 20 years. It was greatly affecting my life until I found Zestoretic. I'm so happy that after numerous poor trials with other hypertension meds, I was put on this drug! It is the only one absolutely wonderful and 100% effective. I also enjoy online shopping for drugs on this website as it is easy and time-saving. Thanks!
by Micheal Hansen, Yellowknife