
Before I was switched to Amantadine I was unable to walk, dress myself and perform routine operations. My neurologist first prescribed me with another medication but I developed severe migraine attacks with that stuff, don't even remember if there was any positive effect on my Parkinson. Then I was put on Amantadine and this is a god sent! So happy that my doctor chose this medication for me! With this drug it is naturally easier to live with the diagnosis and the symptoms are fading away. I can't say Amantadine cures the disease but it makes it tolerable. I can cope without anybody's help most of the time. It is important for a man of 50 years old.
by Steven Bells, Toronto

I live alone as my sister has moved to Italy last year and my wife passed away about three years ago. However I have four dogs and a cat, so I've got a pretty cosy company and a lot of friends. My diagnosis is Parkinson's and it used to cause me a lot of problems before I was prescribed with Amantadine. Sometimes I could forget to feed them or my hands were shaking so badly I couldn't do anything. Or I was unable to walk my dogs in time. My flat looked horrible in those days and I wouldn't notice. With Amantadine life is easy although I have episodes of trembling as I get nearer the end of the period between my doses. I am very happy with it as I am able to carry out daily duties and cope with my household.
by Brian Marlborough, Appleton

For me Amantadine is like oxygen - essential for life! This medication is the only solution on the market that helps me cope with my Parkinson disease. Provided taken regularly and in accordance with the prescribed regimen, Amantadine produces excellent results. Before this drug I have been on several other medications and they were more or less effective, with certain positive effects. But they make no comparison for Amantadine. With this medication I can control myself almost 100%. No more tremors, no memory lapses, no panic attacks. The difference is so obvious, I would pray for the people who have invented this medication! My doctor is also pleased with the results and he says my case is the most successful in his practice.
by Mary Baleydier, Naperville

I was started on my first Parkinson's disease medication some four years ago after I have been diagnosed with the disorder. My symptoms were horrible pain, constant tremors, dizziness, fainting and the list goes on. When my condition was getting worse I was unable to recognize my family members and spent days in some foggy world I can not remember now. I had been confined to bed for nearly a year. In addition some medications I have been put on caused side effects like insomnia and indigestion. Amantadine is much-much better, it drives my worst symptoms away and doesn't cause any side effects. I'm naturally back with this medication. So happy!
by Stella Pickwick, Lexington-Fayette