
I have been taking Dilantin to maintain control over my epilepsy for more than 6 years now. This med is really effective and safe as far as I can see. It provides me with the confidence I lacked. With other meds I had only temporary relief and then the seizures and fever used to come back. But Dilantin is perfect and I have even got back my lost sex drive. Now my life level has grown up so considerable that I am ready to pray for this medication. The effect is stable and there are no side effects that I could observe with other meds like constant goose pimples over the whole body, insomnia and dizziness. Dilantin is the best epilepsy medication that I have tried. I do recommend to others and I am sure you won't get disappointed if you entrust your epilepsy control to this high quality medication.
by Andrew Watkins, Las Vegas

In the year 2009 I got into a road accident and as I was riding a bike I got the most serious injuries in that crash. After I had all my wounds and scratches healed it turned out that somehow my nervous system was damaged in the accident and I developed epileptic attacks since that time. At first the attacks were almost unnoticeable but then as time passed their intensity and duration increased. It was a shock for me but nothing could be done, I had to live with this new diagnosis. It turned out to be very difficult. I could never imagine life would prepare such a dirty trick for me and my family. When I managed to overcome my initial depression I started looking for a safe medication to help me get better control over epilepsy. First tries were unsuccessful -I had numerous side effects or even complete intolerance to the drugs. But then a new friend of mine - I got plenty with the same diagnosis in the hospital - advised me to try out Dilantin. I consulted with my doctor and he approved. So I started taking Dilantin to prevent and stop my epilepsy attacks in December 2011, if I am not mistaken, and I am still on it. This medication is a life-saver. It helps me forget about the disorder, though I should not forget about the regimen and regular dosage. But if I observe the instructions everything is just perfect, my life is almost as it used to be before the accident.
by Stella T., Denver

I am struggling epilepsy for more than 15 years now. That is a long experience and I know something about the disease and available treatment methods. First of all I do not trust alternative medicine. And I have some reasons as at the beginning of my war with epilepsy I have tried such methods as well. Now I am sure that only pharmaceutical industry and contemporary medicine can do something to provide real results in epilepsy treatment. However the majority of medications available on the market today also leave much to be desired. While I have been looking for the ideal treatment for me, my epilepsy got worse and about 10 years ago I experienced my first grand mal case. That was scary for me, but in the first place for my family members, as I have never lost consciousness during an attack before. After that case I was quite depressed and thought that I have reached the point of no return and no nothing will help me. But a friend of mine persuaded me to try out another medication - Dilantin. My doctor was skeptic but agreed and since that time I live a new life with fully controllable epilepsy. This medication is a revolution, at least it have made a revolution in my life. I have no side effects with Dilantin, however at first there was slight dizziness but then things settles and now everything is so good that I knock on wood!
by Owen Perkins, VT

I am a 43 year-old female and recently I have been diagnosed with epilepsy. That was a shock for me, though I had suffered 5 seizures in less than a year. I still hoped that was some temporary disorder. But after a set of tests and screenings my doctor came to this very sad conclusion. But anyway the news was not that bad as my condition was. The seizure could kill me and my family members were extremely worried about my health. So I had no time for mourning as I needed quick help and medicamental treatment. My doctor prescribed me with a quality epilepsy medication but I developed allergic reaction to it and we had to look for something else. Finally I was put on Dilantin and that was my lucky day as this medication turned out to be perfect for me. it is really super effective when it comes to stopping seizures and it has no side effects, what is also a great benefit in comparison to other epilepsy medications I have tried out. With other drugs I could get tired really quickly or stay simply passive all day long, with one drug I had horrible dryness in my mouth. But Dilantin is great! Now I can live more or less protected from unwanted epilepsy attacks and if they still come I know how to quickly eliminate them.
by Christine Steinmeyer, Toronto

I am in my mid 60-ies and I have been suffering from epilepsy since I was a teenager. At the very beginning the disease was not that bothersome, I just had to take some meds on a regular basis, but that didn't worry me much. But then things got worse. Since the age of 28 I have had 15 grand mal seizures. In other words I have had 15 chances to kick the bucket. Since the first seizure I have been desperately looking for a trusted medication under the supervision of my doctor. I have tried out many different drugs and it's been only recently when I've finally found the ideal solution for myself - it's Dilantin. Other medications were far less acceptable, either ineffective in my epilepsy treatment or full of side effects. With Dilantin everything is very different - I am sure that I won't have another grand mal seizure provided I take my regular Dilantin dosage on time and I feel perfectly well when I'm on the medication, I do not have even migraines after it. I am so happy that this medication helped me increase the quality of my life to such a great extent! I feel like I'm in complete control of my disease and this feeling makes me stronger.
by Dilan Fox, NH

I am 36 years of age now and I started having my epilepsy seizure when I was 13. There was clearly no reason for me to develop the disease as I had no traumas at that time, no serious stress or something. The doctors couldn't find the reason but there was a problem and I had to deal with it, so we started looking for a medication that will suit me best. I will tell you in advance that I have found such a drug and now it's been more than 15 years since I'm on Dilantin for epilepsy. I was lucky enough to find a drug that answers all my needs, as I know that some epilepsy patients spend long years on looking for an ideal medication without side effects and other issues and still fail to find it. For me Dilantin is really very effective and I am happy my doctor put me on it. With other medications I had fatigue and dizziness and could even faint sometimes. But with Dilantin there is nothing to worry about, so I am extremely satisfied and recommend it to other epilepsy sufferers.
by Austin Zelman, Tallahassee