Biosuganril (Serratiopeptidase)

I have been using Biosuganril for more than half a year now and I would like to share my experience as it is a very positive one and I would be happy if my review helps someone with similar problems to find a solution. The reason for me to start taking Biosuganril was a surgery that I have undergone some seven months ago. My doctor who is very attentive when it comes to recovery and rehabilitation advised me this medication as an effective solution to reduce the post-operative swelling and enhance the process of metabolizing of the scar tissues. As far as I am concerned Biosuganril showed great results as I had no problems with the post-surgery scars and in general the period after my surgery went on very smoothly and problem-free. According to my doctor Biosuganril contributed to it greatly. This medication is a great helper for recovery after operations. I know what I am talking about as some four years ago I had another surgery when I had my leg broken and the recovery process was not that smooth and I had certain problems with the scar, it was about to inflame and caused me lots of pain. I am sure that if I had known about Biosuganril at that time my sufferings could have been not so bad. But anyway I am lucky to find out about Biosuganril this time. it helped me recover after the surgery quickly and easily. Thanks to my well-informed doctor. And don't forget to ask your doctor about Biosuganril - may be it helps you pass the post-surgery period without pain and problems.
by Preston Miles, Ottawa

Biosuganril was a mere discovery for me when last summer I had badly wounded my knee. I am very fond of hiking and climbing and that time my friends and I were in the middle of our trip in the mountains. The rock I was trying to climb on was not that high but kind of dangerous and very sheer. And somehow I fell off the rock and badly damaged my knee against stones underneath. There was lots of blood and I even had doubts if I would be able to walk again. But the doctors did a great job and the only problem was recovery. Luckily my physician prescribed me with Biosuganril in addition to all the painkillers and antibiotics I was taking. He explained me that Biosuganril is a great medication very effective in terms of reducing swelling, pain and inflammation and that it will also be helpful for the scar to heal quicker and smoother. And really I thought that my recovery period would be far longer but in about a month I felt no more pain in my knee and it looked pretty good. Biosuganril enhanced the healing process greatly and it also made me resistant to inflammation. I feel like it provided my immune system with some additional resources to resist possible inflammation process and to heal quicker without any problems. To my mind this is a great medication and people should know about such products that make recovery so fast and easy.
by Craig T., Colorado Springs

I was put on Biosuganril when I fell ill with bronchitis last year. This medication naturally saved my life. In spite of many other meds I was prescribed with, it was Biosuganril that turned the recovery process dramatically faster and smoother. At some time I thought I would never conquer the illness, so weak and exhausted I felt after a month of constant coughing and feeling that sharp pain in the chest. I couldn't sleep at night because of my cough and even my wife had to move to another room in order to stay away from the illness and to have the possibility to sleep. But after my doctor prescribed me with Biosuganril things changed - the recovery process speeded up and I started feeling myself better and better day after day. Biosuganril is not a serious medication and probably taken alone it won't help you. But it is unmatched in combination to your usual antibiotics and painkillers. Biosuganril makes the effect of the meds stronger and at the same time gentle, it fills the body with additional power to resist the damaging processes - inflammation, swelling of the throat and chest. For me prescription of Biosuganril was the turning point in my suffering, after that I started getting better quickly. Chech that out.
by Oliver Baker, Jacksonville