Elidel Cream

I am 55 and I have been experiencing eczema throughout my face for more than 5 years now. Before I was prescribed Elidel I have tried many different topical solutions that claimed to stop eczema in no time, but the majority of them simply caused no effect on my skin condition, while the others provided some relief but soon my eczema returned with new strength. With Elidel cream everything is quite different. It is my medication, if I can say so. I use it at least twice a day to keep my eczema under control. It helps me extremely well, especially in comparison with the other drugs.
by Sophie Cornwell, Idaho

I have been using Elidel to treat my eczema for about three and a half years now. Before Elidel I tried some steroid-based meds which provided positive effect on my eczema but at the same time they thinned my skin and it started to chap what was very painful and unpleasant to look at. I don't even know what's worse - my eczema or those chaps. Elidel works great on my skin as long as I apply it twice a day.it brings my skin in order and I can finally control it. I have not experienced any side effects while using Elidel.
by Maximillian Russel, Yellowknife

My 7-year-old son has had problems with his skin almost since he was born. He seemed to be allergic to direct sunlight and he developed some kind of eczema no topical could actually stop. He is a kid and it is next to impossible sometimes to prevent him from scratching his face and hands and from time to time he looks as if he had a quarrel with a dozen wild cats. We have tried many creams to help him conquer eczema but only Elidel provided some real effect. Elidel cleared my son's face and hands up after the first 3 days of use. Now we always have it in the medicine chest but we try to use it only in case of necessity.
by Laurette Vincento, Las Palmas

I am 24 and I have had very bad eczema on my face and my palms since last year. I don't know the reason for this disorder; my doctor says it was some shift in my organism that changed my skin condition so dramatically. At first I used steroids and they seemed to help me a lot, but after every attempt to give them up my eczema came back. Once I started using elidel cream, just by chance. Imagine my surprise when after a few days the eczema almost completely went away and my skin normalized again. I have stopped using elidel about a month ago but my skin still looks and feels great! I would recommend elidel to all the people with similar skin problems!
by Marion Johnes, Chicago