Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

I have been using folic acid during my pregnancy because when I bought a prenatal vitamin my family doctor said it lacked folic acid and told me to buy this medication to avoid folic acid deficiency. I have read a lot of articles that say not getting enough folic acid can increase the risk of birth defects. So I got scared to death and ordered the drug from this amazing online pharmacy that same day. It was delivered next day and I started taking it immediately, carefully following the instructions. My pregnancy was absolutely no problem and now I am a happy mother. I think folic acid helped me a lot.
by Francoise Camaro, Texas

Before I got pregnant myself I thought that folic acid was something like a holy grail for all pregnant women and I couldn't understand why they all were so crazy about it. Now when I'm pregnant and my doctor explained me the importance of this vitamin for proper baby development. My doctor said you need folic acid most within the first 28 days of pregnancy, which is before you have even realized you're pregnant. As soon as he told me that, I started taking folic acid. Everything seems to go great, and the tests say the same!
by Irena Muller, Regina

Many doctors recommend that all women who are or who plan to become pregnant take 400 mg of folic acid daily in order to reduce the risk of birth defects. I used this medication even before I got pregnant in order to prepare my body for pregnancy. Everything was absolutely ok, no disorders, no problems during pregnancy, no problems with the baby. I strongly recommend women not to neglect the importance of folic acid for you and your baby's health. Folic acid is vital!
by Priscilla Wayne, Houston

I started taking folic acid 3 times a day when I was pregnant to prevent birth defects as my GP diagnosed me with folic acid deficiency. He was really worried about my baby's health and I also got very concerned due to his serious doubts. I believe folic acid helped me restore my body's natural power, because my son was born with perfect health and I also had no problems with my pregnancy. I am thankful to folic acid for this!
by Kim T., Los Angeles